Thou shalt save

Just read on a new urinal in a university bathroom: “Saves 88% more water than a one-gallon urinal.” Since most urinals (the functioning ones, I mean) USE water (well, some don’t use water at all), a more accurate statement would be: “Uses 88% less water than a one-gallon urinal.” But this would imply that one still uses water, whereas the first statement hopes the pee-er accepts the far-fetched notion that the company is a redeemer redux who is helping you save the planet when nature calls. Welcome to the moral flush. How much water and energy it took to design and produce these automatic valves, repair them when they malfunction, get rid of the old ones cannot and should not enter calculations, I suppose. It is a bit worrisome to see well-intentioned and important sustainability plans become part of modes of forced consumption parading behind facile ethics.