meg whitman’s plan

An ad from Whitman’s campaign says that her plan as governor of California is to decrease government’s expenditures on health, pension, welfare system, workforce (= fire 40,000], and waste, the proverbial election-time, magical pot of gold. She would transfer some of that money to UC and State University system to continue to provide a cheaper and better education to many. I.e.—worthy goal—stop the tuition fee increases and make sure research can continue as before. Sounds good, but what of the tit in the tit for tat? Make life even more difficult for tens of thousands of people, empoverish and threaten them in their daily life, in order to … help many who can help themselves already? As for government, what of our fabled prison system and its extraordinary cost? She would reduce health expenses there too… I see she could squeeze 3 to 5 billion dollars a year, spend them immediately (transfer), but 15 billion dollars? And tax cuts on top of that? With 12.4% unemployment, official number as of today, and a number unlikely to change.