Save Public Media

NPR, National Public Radio, is under an immediate threat by Congressional Republicans. Tomorrow, Republican leaders will call a vote to cancel federal funding for NPR. Extremists in Congress have introduced six bills that would slash all funding for NPR, CPB and other public media. Now, they’re rushing the issue to a vote, trying to pull the plug on the news, arts and educational programming on which more than a hundred million Americans rely. The vote to cut all funding could happen as soon as tomorrow! Please contact your Congressional representative today and urge them to vote against H.R. 1076.

Our main media, including the few intelligent ones, are doing little reporting on what is going on in Wisconsin, Michigan, and other places. Plenty of pages on “business,” very little on labor, which creates business. I would like to see truly independent public media. Frankly, NPR as it is, or PBS, for many years now, have chosen to be way too prudent in their reporting and analysis so as not to displease those who vote for their funding. But such as they are, their funding must be protected. Or do we want to have to listen to the BBC as a kind of “Voice of America” for news-starved US citizens?

Please take a minute and call or email your representative in Congress. It won’t take long, and it will help to save NPR and public media.