See this short interview by Amy Goodman (Democracy now) of Neve Gordon, chair of the Department of Politics and Government, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, and the author of Israel’s Occupation. A minority point of view in Israel, clearly, still an important one also. For an older and longer video analyzing (and criticizing) the way US main media present the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis, see Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land. And since I’m on the subject, here is the transcript of Obama’s remarks at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s Annual policy conference, last June 4, 2008. Critical passage in this obligatory speech: “And Israel can also advance the cause of peace by taking appropriate steps consistent with its security to ease the freedom of movement for Palestinians, improve economic conditions in the West Bank, and to refrain from building new settlements, as it agreed to do with the Bush administration at Annapolis” (my emphasis). Would Obama agree that “settlements”, and not only the “new ones” are an “obstacle to peace” (the traditional language used by the US until Reagan dropped it)? In that speech, he does speak of the Palestinians’ need for a state “that is contiguous and cohesive”, but also adds something that should be left open to negotiation: “Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided”.