- Book on Poverty and Charity in Roman Palestine, First Three Centuries C.E., originally published by UC Press in 1990. I’m preparing a corrected edition. Please email me if you’d like the pdf or epub in its present condition (no maps or index).
- Notes on the Cana story in the Gospel of John, especially on verse 2:6 (“Now six stone jars were standing there, for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons.”).
Short pieces
- Taking the Argo to Nineveh: Jonah and Jason Slightly revised version of an article from Judaism, Summer 1995.
- Jezebel and the widow of Sarepta, a conference paper (Society of Biblical Literature, Edinburgh, July 5, 2006)
Seeing and hearing in the Bible:
a short note on that mixed metaphor (last editing: October 28, 2013). - Monotheism and empire, a paper presented to UCSC’s Cultural Studies in 2014.
- Land tenure and debt in Roman Palestine, a paper given at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in Atlanta, November 21, 2015.
- A New Economy: The Eucharist.
- Mixed kinds or sha`atnez (wool and linen)