
Morning Trumpian tweet-tweets about the enormous cost and cancellation of a putative military parade this November. The choice of date, Saturday November 10 rather than Sunday November 11, the day when the WW I armistice was actually signed, parades a lack of respect for history or veterans. Our TV reality star missed a chance to harden his inchoate fascism by responding to the concerns about the expense (90 million dollars?) with a special one-time tax on the rich, get snubbed, and turn to his base for a popular, nationalistic response. Diabolical machinations don’t seem to be a necessary ingredient for the gestation of this new form of fascism. Where are the episode writers? The show is becoming more disjointed by the minute. From Trump to the self-pitying Musk who is running into financial trouble (or his car company, actually, not he, I presume), who knew capitalism could be so given to le spectacle, so far from its dark-frocked, Calvinist, rational, austere origins?